On Wednesday 22 October 2003 05:22 am, Warly wrote:
> Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > With all the complaining about missing packages (i.e. kernel-source
> > package) and the debate about what should have been left out instead
> > (i.e. emacs or alternate kernels, etc.) I had a thought that might be
> > helpful.
> >
> > Obviously, in order to make everybody happy, the number of images needs
> > to be increased,  I was thinking that isos could be created for the base
> > distro, say two, and then supplemental isos for gaming/eyecandy/mm stuff,
> > development stuff, and then international/localizations packages.  That
> > way I would not be forced to download four big images to get what I want,
> > I could just download the base and the development image for instance,
> > and skip the games and the localization disk.
> >
> > So I see 5 images, and maybe one or two are not completely full, but at
> > least everything will be included.  WDYT?
> I am convinced that this is the good way, giving more to people so
> that they give back more to us. Unfortunately this model has not been
> proven yet, and people are more easily convinced that given a less
> complete download version could lead to more financial streams tower
> other costing product.
> A compromise would be to give those 2 base ISOs for free and let club
> members have access to 3 more specific complementary ISOs.

I don't disagree with you, and I am not commenting on the revenue model used, 
just the distribution model.  If we skinny back the download edition to 2 
images and then provide the balance through the Club, I'd be for that.

"Outside of a dog, a man's best friend is a book, inside
a dog it's too dark to read" -Groucho Marx

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