On Thu, 26 Sep 2002 10:40, Levi Ramsey wrote:
> Perhaps it might make sense to segment the cooker list.  Have
> cooker-kde, cooker-gnome, and cooker-apache in addition
> to a general cooker list.

Don't like that very much. Some problems can strike across boundaries (e.g. X 
bug gets both KDE and Gnome). AFAICT, the existing list manager (yavin and/or 
moseisley.mandrax.org) is just plain wonky and needs taking out and shooting.

 * My own copies of Sympa just don't do that; and

 * I've never had PostFix do anything bizarre or even unexpected
   (contrast that with MS-Exchange), which lets out the software on
   Yavin; and

 * AFAICT no non-list Mandrake mail goes walkies, which lets out
   smtp.mandrakesoft.com unless it's dedicated to Cooker traffic; and

 * this leaves one of:

   * bandwidth; or

   * hardware (I'm inclined to discount this since most messages seem
     to get through eventually); or

   * the software on Moseisley (neither Moseisley nor Smtp admit to
     being PostFix, nor do they generate PostFix-looking message queue

The only other oddity I can see in the headers is that some clocks are 
evidently off by a few minutes (mail arriving at the next hop before it's 
sent, that kind of thing).

Cheers; Leon

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