On Fri, 10 Jul 2020, Paul Emsley wrote:


Thank you for the reply.

I hope that the recent commits you have made address the issues.

It seems to me that they are not going to be easy to diagnose, especially our script visualise-geometry-coot, which you run and give it an output directory from a BUSTER refinement. It invokes coot with two scheme files and should load the pdb and mtz files in the directory as well as opening dialog boxes to highlight poor geometry etc. This one opens coot but neither the pdb or mtz file are loaded. There are NO errors or warning messages, indeed no indication at all of what is wrong.

The second script, opens coot and loads pdb files and an mtz file, but if you click on the "next" (Structure) box on the dialoguw box, then coot crashes with a segmentation fault.

I would love to try today's revision - where can I download a MacOS binary from? You only have linux binaries on your website - we only see the problems on MacOS.

I have never been able - well never even tried - to compile Coot from source on a Mac!


On 07/07/2020 14:37, Andrew Sharff wrote:
 Dear All,

 Since moving to ccp4 7.1 (and Coot 0.9), we have been seeing several
 issues on MacOS with some of our utility programs, which start Coot with
 both distributed and automatically generated Coot scheme

I don't really follow what CCP4 do to Coot.

 These issues range from Coot not acting on commands in the scheme scripts
 (and not reporting any errors or warning messages) to crashing with
 segmentation faults.

I have recently made commits to address issues in both of these areas, but without a core dump, I don't know if it's related.

 These problems only affect MacOS - they all work perfectly on Linux - and
 only with the latest version of Coot (0.9). We have tested and see the
 same behaviour on machines running MacOS 10.13, 10.14 and


 We have also tried the Coot 0.9 binary that is distributed in ccp-em but
 in this case, it crashes with a segmentation fault every time on MacOS.

Colin has been in touch about a command line-related issue. I've tried to fix it. Hideous archaic baroque C-code. Bleugh. No fun at all.

 Has anyone else encountered any unexpected behaviour / probems running
 Coot 0.9 with scheme input scripts and if so, do you have any insight into
 what the problems (and better still, solutions) are?

Maybe you could give today's reversion a bash (efde451d59318f6f58c7f8295c93c86f764126e5)


| Dr Andrew Sharff                            |
| Global Phasing Ltd., Cambridge UK           |
| http://www.globalphasing.com


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