
src/share/classes/sun/misc/ in new patch appears to miss a ending } at ln#487


On 08/30/2011 10:20 AM, Xueming Shen wrote:
Hi Sebastian,

On 08/30/2011 01:23 AM, Sebastian Sickelmann wrote:
Sorry i have forgotten the webrev url.

with couple changes from your original patch.

(1) Undo the changes in and
while arguably your suggested change might be the correct/better one for the situation, but it's a behavior change, personally I don't think you want to change the behavior, whether it is a "better" solution (not just look better) or "bug fix", in this kind of clean-up project. Leave that to separate "bug fix"
     patch, if you believe the existing code is buggy/wrong.
Not changing this at all is not the intention of this. Even if the CloneNotSupportedException cannot be thrown, chaining is what can be done to make it more clear what happend.
I don't think that i changed behavoir that much:
- Returning null in Format will mostly (if not always) result in NullPointerException in
   the extending class.
- DecimalFormat is the only class in jdk i found that makes it "correct" and catch it and throw
   an InternalError.
If i think about how the catch in DecimalFormat maybe come into the codebase it must be that Format.clone must somehow returned null in the past. Which is a bizarre case,
   because it cannot happen cause Format is cloneable.

We now started to "discuss" whether or not the original code is correct or not, and if not, how to fix it. This is exactly the reason why I think this kind of "cleanup" project might not want to get involved in, especially if it involves behavior change. Get that done separately if you are interested to correct that wrong behavior. In this particular case, the "null return"
obviously "never" really happens, I agree it's fine to do so.

Personally I think it's nice to make the switch to the new chaining version if the original code is "new InternalError(msg) + initCause()", in which case it has the clear intention that implementation does want to expose the original cause of this InternalError. But for the case of InternalError(msg) only, the proposed change actually again changes the behavior/intention of the original code, in which it might not be desirable to expose the original cause when throw the InternalError. As suggested in the Throwable API doc, the "hiding" might be purposely, to separate
different levels of abstraction when throw the InternalError.

Two comments on this:
1. You maybe haven't noticed it. "new InternalError(msg).initCause()" is handled in a previous patch

2. You share this opinion with Xuelei.Fan. I think exactly the other way around. That maybe comes from my application development background where intensive logging and long stacktraces are the only information basis you got in production code. The only reason i see to be carefully with long exception-chains is GC and serialization/transfer-costs
       as i have written in I will not say that Alan is supporting this meaning but he somewhat followed the idea in his follow-up.
Again, I'm not talking about which approach is correct, which one is wrong. I would leave that to the owner of that particular area to decide, whether including the initial cause is
Generally I would assume if it is desired, then they can/should do so with initCause() at first place (then, as I said, it's nice to make the switch to the new chaining version, in this cleanup project). There are probably three possibilities why they did use initCause() at first place (1) the original owner did not think the initial cause should be included (2) even it should, since it doesn't matter, they did not include it (3) initCause() didn't even exist when the original code was written. Personally I think you can only do so if it's (2) or (3) in a cleanup project. Given initCause() was added in 1.4, I would "assume/guess" most of them are because of (3). and actually I believe most of them also belong to "doesn't really
matter" category.

That said, since 2d/awt, Xuelei.Fan have approved the changes in their areas, and Alan have reviewed the changes as well (in which I would assume the core/lib area has been covered).
I will push the latest changes into the tl repository.


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