Hi Goetz,

> And I see much more differences if I compare the diffs.
> Please explain.

unfortunately, the udiffs of the webrev look different in quite some parts to 
what you see when you look at the commit on the hg web server 
(http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/ba51515b64e5), although those are the 
same. There were only 3 rejects when I applied the change to jdk11u (you could 
try this yourself).

> This is a big change, and it seems a lot more changed than resolving
> Hunks.  Some hunks are missing altogether.
> For example,
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/rev/ba51515b64e5,
> ZipFileSystem 2341
> 2.341-            IndexNode inode = new IndexNode(cen, nlen, pos);
> 2.342+            IndexNode inode = new IndexNode(cen, pos, nlen);
> Is missing in your change.

The constructor IndexNode(byte[] cen, int noff, int nlen, int pos) (jdk11u) vs. 
IndexNode(byte[] cen, int pos, int nlen) (jdk11) was actually the part where 
the failing hunks originated. There was another patch pre 8034802 in jdk12 
which changed signature:
IndexNode(byte[] cen, int noff, int nlen, int pos) -to IndexNode(byte[] cen, 
int nlen, int pos).
8034802 did this change then:
IndexNode(byte[] cen, int nlen, int pos) -> IndexNode(byte[] cen, int pos, int 

I chose not to touch this part but maybe this change should change the 
constructor from IndexNode(byte[] cen, int noff, int nlen, int pos) -> 
IndexNode(byte[] cen, int noff, int pos, int nlen), though, to take over this 
change of order in arguments. It's a package private constructor that is only 
called in one spot. What do you think?

Thanks & Best regards

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