PICCORO McKAY Lenz writes:

ok i will try to be more specific, because i am documenting and i must be clear:

El mar, 16 de mar. de 2021 a la(s) 07:54, Sam Varshavchik
(mr...@courier-mta.com) escribió:
> PICCORO McKAY Lenz writes:
> > manpage said:
> > > the /etc/courier/imapaccess.dat file to control access to the Courier mail
> > server's IMAP daemon.
> > so client cannot access to or local user cannot use imap with cone client? > That depends whether imapaccess allows or blocks connections from localhost.

i mean: in the old versions i simply installed and configured and both
local and remote clients configured and accessed....

And this will remain the same if no access file is configured.

with this new access scheme now I have to place each remote ip in a
list? if I have 100 clients and additionally all with dynamic
addresses.. this is an extra work that (and courier docs) must be
document how to avoid, it is annoying at administrative level for

If no access file is specified, connections are accepted from all IP addresses.

If an access file is specified, connections are accepted from all IP addresses that are not explicitly listed in the access file.

Otherwise, the governing entry in the access file either blocks the connection, or accepts it and sets some environment variable (this is not used for anything in IMAP, this is used for several things in SMTP).

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