Hello Gordon and *,

Am 2007-04-16 08:42:53, schrieb Gordon Messmer:
> Reindl Harald wrote:
> > Oh it does work WITHOUT ANY DNS now
> It isn't, though.  Courier does lookups entirely through DNS.  It 
> doesn't use the C library's NSS routines, so the hosts file isn't used.

It seems not to be right, because:

If I have and /etc/hosts:       localhost    samba.michistest.ir    mail.michistest.ir    michelle1.michistest.ir    tp570.michistest.ir

it would not work since a REVERSE-Lookuo to <mail.michitest.ir> will
resolv <samba.michistest.ir>. Putting the MAILSERVER on the first
entry after <localhost> like:       localhost    mail.michistest.ir    samba.michistest.ir    michelle1.michistest.ir    tp570.michistest.ir

will work properly...

Otherwise my OWN courier-server would not work here.

> > Its simply bullshit to say /etc/host does not and it must be dns
> No, it isn't.  /etc/hosts is not used by Courier.  If your problem was 
> related to IPv6, then you can't infer anything about DNS or the hosts 
> file from that problem.  They're unrelated.

So, I have no "named" running in my local network with currently 26
machines active but it still works.  How comes?

I can not believe, that it is Debian-Specific... The Servers are running
Etch and the Workstations mixed Sarge, Etch, Lenny and Sid

> Actually, your ISP's DNS *should* resolve localhost.  RFC 1912 clarifies 
> this name server requirement.  The hosts file works for simple name 
> lookups through the C library's NSS routines, but that's not what 
> Courier uses.


Note:  My domain (I have changed the domainname) is registered
       but only for private use which include my mailhost...

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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