As far as alchemy is concerned, an easy first pass would be to extend the general store (maybe rename it grocery store or something) to include raw food items, eg, wheat, milk, hunks of meat, etc. That still requires graphics, but but doesn't a whole set of farms, etc, where one can go and gather this.

The farming aspect is a different piece. I'd imagine, if it doesn't exist already, the buildable land plots would have to come in farms, or at least the player to build wheat fields, etc.

There is already code in place for creatures to be able to spawn other creatures, and for creatures to have a life cycle. It'd be nice to re-use as much as that as possible.

Thus, in a simple case, a chicken lays an egg. After some amount of time, the egg hatches into a baby chicken, and over time, it grows up, with same age categories it being able to lay eggs. As time passes, it gets older, stops laying eggs, and at some point, dies of old age.

The real question, I suppose, is whether there is a large number of players that actually want to play farmers. Otherwise, this entire idea could be a fair amount of work for something that no one ever uses.

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