Milan Andric <> writes:
> On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 4:24 AM, Raphael Kubo da Costa
> <> wrote:
>>> Since I've never built Chromium before, do you have any tips on
>>> building Crosswalk
>>> with a custom Chromium so I can enable the unlimited storage option?
>> I'm not sure I follow: --unlimited-storage is only defined and
>> interpreted in the chrome/ layer (the parts that make up the actual
>> "chrome" browser binary), which is not used by Crosswalk, so you either
>> need to patch only Chromium itself (in which case you wouldn't need
>> Crosswalk) or patch Crosswalk to provide functionality similar to that
>> Chrome provides (in which case you wouldn't need to patch Chrome).
> Hi Raphael,

Hey there,

> Since I'm not a Crosswalk or Chromium developer I'm a little confused
> at how the command line switches are being handled and why they don't
> get passed directly to Chrome.   I would expect it to work similar to
> a Chrome build on your desktop.

Let me try to summarize it very quickly: the Chromium browser (ie. the
open source version of the Google Chrome browser) is built upon several
separate layers of code, and (theoretically) the lower layers are
unaware of the ones on top. For example, the media stack is implemented
in media/, the network stack is in net/, an API layer that orchestrates
all those bits below and allows one to display a web page is in content/
and, finally, chrome/ contains the code for the actual browser. It's the
part that manages profiles, implements the browser GUI and a ton of
other things.

Most Chromium-derived projects (Crosswalk, some toolkit WebView-like
APIs, NW.js etc) interact with Chromium via the content/ layer and the
ones below it, but not chrome/ itself, since they are not trying to
implement a browser themselves. Since handling of --unlimited-storage is
implemented in chrome/ (in code that manipulates extensions, actually),
passing it via Crosswalk has no effect.

> Can you please explain a little on how we add support in Crosswalk for
> a new/unsupported Chromium command-line option like
> `--unlimited-storage`?

The first step is always to create a ticket in our issue tracker
( so it does not end up forgotten in the
mailing list archives.

Then someone needs to look at how it is implemented in Chromium and see
if it is possible to do the same in Crosswalk; it is possible that doing
so requires changing Chromium (and in which case the changes should be

This all takes time, so I feel it's important to ask if you've
considered other ways to implement your app without localStorage (by
using the Quota API spec, for example).
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