At 09:29 PM 7/9/2005, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
The Blue Card, so far as I can tell, was poorly thought out beyond its
marketing potential. I knew some folks at Amex involved in the
development of the system, and I did not get the impression they had
much of a coherent idea of what the technologies would be used for
other than creating marketing buzz.

On the other hand, only a short time before that,
Apple's iMac created a whole marketing revolution
and set of spinoff products and revitalized the company
by coming out with a semi-transparent blue-green case
that effectively packaged the Reality Distortion Field,
and they were able to maintain the effect over several years
by the radical introduction of several other semi-transparent colors.

It'd be nice if good crypto and authentication methods
could create a market for improved products,
but hey, if blue-green translucent dancing pigs gets customers,
the marketing people have done _their_ job.

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