On 09/07/2013 12:04 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

On 26 August 2013 22:43, Perry E. Metzger <pe...@piermont.com <mailto:pe...@piermont.com>> wrote:

    (I would prefer to see hybrid capability systems in such
    applications, like Capsicum, though I don't think any such have been
    ported to Linux and that's a popular platform for such work.)

FWIW, we're working on a Linux port of Capsicum. Help is always welcome :-)

The cryptography mailing list
I implemented a lightweight, tightly-focused (well, it started out that way), capabilities-like system for Android kernels last year. It was a monumental PITA largely due to interior kernel-side APIs changing so frequently across kernel versions.

We had mechanisms for binding "capabilities" to ELF binaries in a way that the kernel could verify.

The project failed, largely because it kept being dragged around by marketing so often, that we never got it really nicely robust in any given direction. "This week, it's a floor polish. Next week, it's a turbine maintenance system."

The cryptography mailing list

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