On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Ross Hulford wrote:

> This code works
> <h2 id="cad" name="cad">some text</h2>

What is the URL that illustrates the problem, and how does it relate to 

> The problem is not that it uses 'id 'or 'name' but that it is empty.

It is not empty. Do you mean that it _should_ be empty, as in your 
original posting? There is really no need for that. If you don't have a h2 
heading, don't write one; assign an id="..." attribute to some other 
element instead. (Headings are just _natural_ targets for links.)

Besides, IE can handle empty anchors. As I mentioned, your markup, 
expanded trivially to an HTML document, works on IE. Some browsers have 
had problems with empty anchors, but this depends on complex issues and 
isn't really a CSS issue (except perhaps fairly indirectly: such problems 
mostly emerge when tables are used, and switching from a layout table to 
CSS-based layout may remove the problem).

> How do
> I use the haslayout property, like this? Does it validate?

No, it's an internal IE thing. And _it_ is a CSS issue, but why do you 
think it relates to the problem at all?

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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