On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Kristina Floyd wrote:

> Do you mean the way Nick just described using the 'show computed style'
> feature of Firebug?

Yes. I keep forgetting how Firebug works and how you can find that 
particular feature, and other features; that's what I meant by 
"confusing". (I tried looking at the DOM pane, where it lists the 
properties of an element in the DOM tree, including the "style" property, 
with CSS properties under it - but with empty values, for some odd reason. 
As I had read Nick's message, I remembered where the feature really 

> Because the client takes a screenshot of the website and then compares that
> to the original design, and points out an discrepancies.  As I'm using Owens
> method, sometimes I need to play around to get the sizes to appear as
> similar as possible across the board,

But the method described is based on setting body font size in % and the 
rest in em, which is fine by many criteria (though people may disagree on 
the % value), but it definitely does not give and is not meant to give any 
specific size. It's adjustably-sized by definition. You can of course 
_assume_ a basic font size of 12pt or 16px, or just _use_ such a font on a 
browser used for comparing things. Or - as I think you have done - you can 
start from some fixed font size design and try to generate a page that 
matches that design _if_ the browser's basic font size is 12pt. The 
problem here might then be in the starting point: if the initial data 
about the fixed sizes is inaccurate, then you just need more accurate 

The fixed design given to you should be analyzed for font size _and_ font 
family. If you cannot get the actual font size data but just measurements 
of letters, you need the font family information very much. An "a" in 12pt 
size in one font can be very different in size (and in shape) from an "a" 
in 12pt size in another font. If the font used in the fixed design is not 
one that can be generally expected to be available on most users' systems, 
you need to find a common font with comparable appearance and to estimate 
the difference in letter sizes. That is, you would need to compare the 
sizes of some typical letters in the two fonts in order to find the 
percentage value needed to bring the font you use to the size where it 
matches the fixed design.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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