At 12:47 +0200 on 04/01/2010, MB wrote about Re: [css-d] doctype:

>Chris Blake told:
>>Sorry! This document can not be checked.
>>When i try to validate anything that is UTF8.
>If you kept reading you would see that the validation page says further down:
>"I am unable to validate this document because on line 35  it contained
>one or more bytes that I cannot interpret as utf-8  (in other words, the
>bytes found are not valid values in the specified Character Encoding)"
>This means your file contains erroneus characters. What I usually do is
>to start a new utf-8 encoded HTML-file and start anew.
>If I have a more full source-file I copy the source and start a new
>utf-8 encoded HTML-file in my editor and paste the source code into
>that. Sometimes the erroneus characters may follow with the copy
>process. In that case you have to make sure you copy only valid parts.

This line should read "All content © 2010 
WCH ..." and it will be OK. The problem is that there is a 
literal © pasted there and this is an invalid UTF-8 character (since 
it is High-ASCII and thus needs to be UTF-8 Encoded - Use of © 
fixes this issue).

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster
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