On 12/3/10 10:24 AM, Barney Carroll wrote:

    1. Could it be argued that *any* layout...

You could argue that in conversation and on paper from here to eternity but making it happen on a screen with anything short of a very simplistic layout is a pipe-dream. And therein may lie an answer in and of itself: for example, you might feed the lower-IEs -- given you work with a willing and progressive client -- a simple 600px fixed-width version based on the same principles as advocated for mobile handsets.

    2. ... but I would be interested if
    there were other reasons I may be missing.

Dunno. No problem with zoom: 1; that I know of? And, other than that CCs mean repeated trips to the server whereas IE hacks in one style sheet involves dragging them along to to compliant [and somewhat compliant] browsers. As with any method it depends on the site itself and personal opinion as to the most efficient way to handle the particular need at hand.

Barney Carroll



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