On Jun 5, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

> Barney Carroll wrote:
>> Keith,
>> By default. block-level elements occupy the full available width, thus any
>> following block-level elements can only appear directly below.
> I am unconvinced of this explanation.  At
>    http://web-consultants.org.uk/sites/tests/Block-level-elements/DIVs.html
> you will see two DIVs, each of which is only 33% of the full available width,
> yet they stack vertically, not horizontally.  I would argue that this 
> behaviour
> has nothing to do with their width, and is entirely a result of their being 
> block-level
> elements.

It does have 'something' to do with the width, and the relationship between 
width and margin ( -left and -right).

See CSS 2.1:10.3 – and in particular 10.3.3

In that testcase, the margin-right is '0', but 'expanded' to fill the remaining 

Philippe Wittenbergh

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