>   I need the font-weight set to bold for all the other browsers but, don't 
>need it for Safari due to the aforementioned. 
> Elli Vizcaino

Try specifying -- font-weight:normal; -- on the appropriate selectors. Reload 


David, I think what you're suggesting will NOT render the fonts how I want 

> I have a hard time understanding what you mean by this. Safari renders your 
> fonts just the same as any other browser.
> The only I might imagine being a reason for your problem is a configuration 
> of 
> your copy of Safari on Windows: Safari has a preference to use different 
> font-smoothing settings, one (the default) matches what Windows OS uses, 
> another 
> one simulates, eventually, something that looks like the rendering on OS X.
> Philippe
> --
> Philippe Wittenbergh
> http://l-c-n.com/

I've uploaded a screen shot of both browsers side by side. Safari on windows 
and FF. As you can see, in Safari it is rendered a lot more bolder/heavier than 
in FF and the rest of the browsers I've checked (chrome, ie, opera). This has 
always been my experience w Safari render fonts even when viewing directly on a 
Mac. I really need the font to render like the rest of the browsers because 
that heavy weight is throwing my design off :(. 


 Elli Vizcaino
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