> On Firefox, in the Web Console (open it with Tools -> Web Developer

> -> Web Console prior to loading the page), I see the error message:
> downloadable font: rejected by sanitizer (font-family: "creampuff"
> style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:0) source:
> http://www.e7flux.com/e7flux2012/fonts/creampuff.ttf @
> http://www.e7flux.com/e7flux2012/css/e7flux.css?v=2
> This means that the font has errors in it.  For security reasons
> (since the system's font handling code is not necessarily robust
> against malicious fonts), we don't pass such fonts off to the OS,
> even though in many cases they're just mistakes.
> -David

Thanks David, I was starting to suspect it was the font itself. I opened it in 
a font program and it was a modified version of the original so 
somewhere along those lines something went wrong. Going to switch to a 
different font. Thanks for the confirmation!

 Elli Vizcaino
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