Hi Tom! Thanks for the reply and help, I really appreciate it. :)

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 5:32 AM, Tom Livingston <tom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FWIW, I use MQs on link elements to load sheets. Then, for IE less than 9, I
> repeat the link elements without MQs inside a conditional comment to serve
> the desktop only layout to those browsers. This may be a little low-tech and
> it is a few more http requests, but I am not a fan of poly-filling
> everything under the sun and I don't have to write additional whole sheets
> for <ie9. It's been working well for me. I'm sure some will not like this
> method though.

That's a pretty good solution. I've seen that mentioned here/there on the net.

For my latest project, and my first really big site using media
queries, I opted to take the approach of having my MQs tied to the
module that they apply to. For example:

#foo-module { ... }
@media blah (...) { #foo-module { ... } }
#baz-module { ... }
@media blah (...) { #baz-module { ... } }
#bar-module { ... }
@media blah (...) { #bar-module { ... } }

The drawback to the above, as you can probably see, is that it's not
easy to have a "desktop" stylesheet, or "tablet" stylesheet, or

I think there are drawbacks to everything, but in this case, the major
drawback (to the above technique) is that I have to use a polyfill
like respond.js to get IE < 8 to like my stylesheets and apply the
media queries. While respond.js is nice (honestly, there aren't a lot
of options out there) it has some major drawbacks, one of them being
cross-browser security restrictions.

Hindsight is 20/20, and a part of me is wondering if I should
re-factor my CSS to take the approach you mention. Doing so would
solve two problems that I'm having:

1. I'd like to have the option of printing the desktop "view". With my
current setup, if I change all my MQs to "@media all", only the
"tablet" view will print.
2. I'd like to feed IE < 8 a static "view". Because I'm using the
"module" approach above, it's impossible to feed IEs a specific
stylesheet without re-writing or duplicating a lot of my CSS.

On the flip side, I REALLY like the module approach. I like keeping my
MQs with its related MQs and other CSS. I also like having one
minified central stylesheet.

I wish I could just ignore IE8. Maybe IE7 and IE6 is pretty much dead
(our user base is under a half of a percentage point, or something
like that). I've always said, once you can get IE8 to behave, then
it's easy to do the same for IE7; and if you've gotten IE7 to behave,
then it's not much more work to fix IE6! :D

Hmmm, at this point, I think I need to sit down and weigh my options.

Thanks again for your replies and help (you too Philippe!), I really
appreciate it. :)

Have a nice day.

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