I'll also add, this may be better suited for wha...@lists.whatwg.org

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Ezequiel Garzón <garzon.luc...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Greetings to all,
> I know this is highly subjective question, but am curious as to what
> people think about this issue. Allow me to put forth a few questions,
> and you can pick all of any of them. When the WHATWG describes the I
> element as "a span of text in an alternate voice or mood", and the B
> element as "a span of text to which attention is being drawn for
> utilitarian purposes", I'm puzzled... wouldn't this be the role of a
> special class for the SPAN element? I'm actually glad I and B are
> "survivors", but seeing that U and S have been deprecated, it doesn't
> seem very consistent to keep these two one-letter elements around.
> And, going back to my main question, do you believe these two elements
> will be deprecated soon?
> Thank you in advance for any thoughts you may have on the matter.
> Best regards,
> Ezequiel
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