On 11/08/2014 09:09, Barney Carroll wrote:
12 is a useful number in that it allows division by 2, 3, 4 and 6. It allows 
for very flexible
designs as a result.
Yes, we used to have 12 pence to the shilling. It had its uses.

I've struggled with the term 'grid', too: it implies a second dimension 
(height, ie rows as a
vertical unit), when it has mostly come to signify only width, with columns as 
the horizontal unit.
I can see I could make up a 'row' with any number of columns provided the fractional total adds to 1. (purely for example: 1/12 + 1/12 + 1/2 + 1/6 +1/6). But if I wanted to do that I could float five <divs> with appropriate percentage widths without having to say I was using a grid.

I'd also have the flexibility to tweak the 'columns' too, I could add a bit to one and take it off another. But then of course it wouldn't line up nicely with the next row. Perhaps that's the point ?

I still can't grasp the desire to define all these strange classes with names like 'col-1-4' (for a quarter). Grids seem so popular I feel I must be missing something. Or is it just the current buzz-word ?


Tim Dawson

Tim Dawson
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