-Caveat Lector-

"Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Sunday, December 27, 1998 9:39 AM, KA [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > On Sun, 27 Dec 1998, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
> > >over by the Roman Catholic Church . . . with the result that the world
> > >became civilized.
> >
> > THAT's debatable!
> Debatable, yes, but I submit we're coasting on the civilization brought to
> the world by the Roman Catholic Church between 4th and 14th century (one
> hundred years or so before Apostate priest Luther started changing the
> Bible which the Catholic monks of the Middle ages had preserved after the
> Catholic Popes (Damascus I to Gregory the Great) compiled and St. Jerome
> translated.)

I wouldn't brag about this if I were you. Non Catholics ( most people
exactly see this as a good thing.

> > Are you telling us you are against birth control pills, too?

> Absolutely. Better to call them birth prevention pills, or anti-baby pills.
> They do tremendous harm to women, too. This is where the many Protestant
> religions bit the dust (again) in following the demonic Margaret Sanger,
> while the Roman Catholic Church has been consistent and held firm.

They don't do tremendous harm to women at all. You do tremendous harm
women by spreading primitive unscientific superstitious bullshit.

> OK. I should have said that Adam and Eve were promised a Savior, and that
> the promise they passed on got distorted in many cultures up to the time of
> Noah -- but you have to sometimes try to cut these posts short when you
> think you've made the essential point.

There were no such persons as Adam and Eve for sure, and the existence
Noah is highly doubtfull. How do you feel about Mickey Mouse and
Duck? How about the tooth fairy?

> > >And those who believe that Jesus is a myth, might try to explain the
> Shoud
> > >of Turin, which still defies all explanations despite Ruling Elite
> attempts

The Jesus of your religion is mythological, but there was a real
So what do you do? You try to prove the myhological instead of the
How absurd is that?
> >
> > There are as many scientific studies debunking the shroud as supporting
> > the theory that it's Jesus' actual shroud...it all boils down to FAITH...
> I don't think so. They can't reproduce the shroud today, despite much
> high-falutin bunk that hopes you infer that they can. Also, the Shroud had
> certain pollens in it that were only found in the Mid-east area.

Superstition is a wonderful thing. It makes it possible to argue about
many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

> >
> > It is by FAITH alone that one is saved, not by turning THINGS into icons
> > and worshipping them...

People don't need to be saved for being born. They need to be saved
from the
insanity of people like you. Your glorious history is an example of

> It is blasphemy to believe that the Holy Ghost
> inspires dozens of "churches" which contradict themselves on the most basic
> points, such as what it takes to be saved. God is truth, and not a bundle
> of contradictions. One Faith, one Church, one magisterial voice, one flock,
> one Shepherd.

And one crock.

> > >Incorruptibles, (see book by Joan Carroll), etc. and so on. As Joe
> Sobran
> > >said, if you think that Jesus was a hoax, consider that His words are
> still
> > >be quoted 2000 years later ---

They weren't his words. They are words made up by some guys who wanted
invent a religion, and attributed them to him.

> >
> > And how long have the Buddha's words been quoted...or those of the
> > Hindus...or of Confuscius, or Lao-Tze?  All those religions have been
> > around much longer than Christianity...
> >
> Good point. But I believe all those religions are based on real men, not on
> hoaxes. It's only Christ that claims to have risen from the dead. The
> others didn't dare, or didn't think to make such claims. :^)    Jim Condit
> Jr.
> >
> > June

Because they weren't so stupid as to claim the impossible as was done
for the mythological Jesus.

"And it came to pass that in the last days catatonics
roamed the earth, and great monsters ruled the masses."
     ---------------- Joshua II ----------------

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

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