-Caveat Lector-


>Long before governments and law existed men and women gathered or killed
>food to eat. Was this food not their property? They created tools which
>made their efforts more efficient. Were these tools not the property of
>their creators? Later they planted and cared for certain plants which
>they found they preferred over others. Were these not then their

Sorry for butting in, but I'm a little fuzzy on this property issue. Of
what claim to "property" has anyone when there exists a greater power who
can take same away by force? Is not the house which you bought and paid
for--and aptly consider your property--at the whim of several state and
federal agencies who may, at their discretion, take this property from you?
Of what real value, then, is the phrase "personal property"? Logic would
suggest that, unless you can protect property from all comers who would
take it, its value as being yours is moot. The same would hold true of a
theistic argument along the same lines; hence, all property belongs to God
(for believers at least).

Just curious, Edward   ><>
"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge
of tomorrow's revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
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