-Caveat Lector-

Extremists Launch Search for Cohens

.c The Associated Press

JERUSALEM (AP) - An extremist group that hopes to rebuild the Jewish temple
in Jerusalem has launched a search for descendants of the priests and
caretakers of the ancient temples.

Organizers of the Second Annual Conference of the Lovers of the Temple said
Monday they would use phonebooks and public records to track down Cohens and
Levis, who could be called up for service if a third temple is built.

Those attending the conference hope to hasten the Messianic age by building a
new temple on the site of the Second Temple, which was destroyed in 70 A.D.
by Romans quelling a Jewish revolt.

Muslims, however, decry their movement, saying it seeks to destroy Islam's
third holiest site - the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosques, which now
stand on the site.

The vast majority of Jews reject plans to force Muslims off the Temple Mount.
Attempts by extremists to lay claim to the site have led to bloody clashes
with Muslims in the past. Judaism's holiest site, the Western Wall, is the
only remnant of the temple.

``Tonight we started a project in which we will be listing all Cohens and
Levis in the Jewish movement,'' said Yehuda Etzyon, head of the Hai VeKayam -
``Alive and Well'' - organization.

The Cohens, the priestly caste in ancient times, led services at the temple.
The Levis maintained the temple and were its musicians. Their descendants are
identified primarily through their names, including Cohen, Levy and a wide
range of derivatives.

A model of a rebuilt temple was displayed at the conference, and speakers
called for the expulsion of Muslims from the site. About 200 people attended
the conference, at Jerusalem's International Convention Center.

``One of the ideas of interest is to build a guard of Cohens and Levis, like
the guards of the King and Queen in England, so people know this is the
holiest place in Israel and not the place the Muslims stole,'' Etzyon said.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands turned out Monday at the Western Wall to mark
Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. A row of Cohens, covered completely under
white prayer shawls, raised their arms to bless the crowd.

The weeklong holiday of Sukkot symbolizes the harvest season and commemorates
the 40-year trek through the desert by biblical Israelites, from Egypt to the
Promised Land.

Jewish men dine in huts to commemorate the simple conditions the Israelites
suffered in the wilderness.


     I notice that this group is NOT looking for descendants of the House of
Judah.  Or at least, they're not PUBLICLY looking for any modern inheritors
of the Seed of David.
     Each time Israel has had a monarch, since King David, it's been big
trouble ...
     Last time it offered a Davidic "MESSIAH," things turned out even WORSE.
     So Judaism would prefer to be a THEOCRATIC state, centered on Kohanim
under a High Priest.
     However, Kohanim have always found themselves at odds with the SECULAR
ruler of the Kingdom (or State), whether controlled by Jews or by foreign
     Prolonged conflicts invariably climaxes in the call for a "theocratic"
     If the Temple WERE to be rebuilt, and staffed by Kohanim and a High
Priest, at the center of Jewish life in Israel, I "PROPHESY" that, after only
a couple of generations,
the priests' insistence that the SECULAR government be brought "into line"
with their Temple would result in a movement to restore the monarchy as well
-- along DAVIDIC lines -- with "Messianic" overtones, for NON-Jewish
CHRISTIANS around the world.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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