-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990928d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No divinity students were dismantled during production of this bulletin.
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@ Get Bill: http://www.kimble.org/kimmovie/kimble_themovie.swf
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# Pak Shia leader killed. (BBC) A senior leader of a prominent Shia Muslim
party in Pakistan is shot dead along with his daughter & an armed bodyguard.

: Have you killed any religious/political/economic/cultural/artistic leaders
lately? Are you such a leader? Should/can/will you be killed? Is assassina-
tion the main workplace hazard of such leaders? Does it come with the job?

@ Francis Bacon, asked once about the nihilistic, horrific quality of his
  paintings, was surprised. Life is terminal. Why depict it otherwise?
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@ A curious hybrid of Hassidic and Christian culture aptly named Jews for
  Jesus <http://www.jewsforjesus.org/> promotes the acceptance of Torah,
  Talmud and New Testament as divinely inspired texts. Having trouble
  discussing your new faith with Orthodox friends and horrified Jewish
  family? Jews for Jesus also offers countermemes to defend your Christian
  beliefs. http://www.jewsforjesus.org/believe/qa/4_howtothink.htm

: What's your favorite divinely-inspired text? How is a divinely-inspired
text distinguishable from a message channeled from an alien entity claiming
to be divine? Have you ever channeled any alien entities? Are they awesome?

@ 1st a sheep, now Jesus? www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8611/page2.htm
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# Prepare for the wired human. How'd you like to avoid waiting in lines for
  the rest of your life? Breeze through everywhere like you owned the place.
  Watch lights snap on, doors open automatically, money pop out of ATMs as
  you approach. Never have to show an ID, buy a ticket, carry keys, remember
  a password. You'd leave stores loaded with packages and waltz right past
  the cashiers. You wouldn't have to carry a wallet. Ever. Family & friends
  could find you instantly in any crowd. There's only one catch-you'd need
  to have a tiny little chip implanted in your body. No big deal. Wire me
  up now: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/comment/0,5859,2341891,00.html

: Do you eagerly await your admission to the Universal HumanWeb? Are you an
  incomplete person until you're wired-in? What can contribute to the hive-
  mind? Do you regret that you have but one mind to give for your species?

@ In praise of the Walkman: no, it's not an alienation device, it's
  a way to create your own unified world, both public and private:
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# Report on the Johns Hopkins/False Memory Syndrome Foundation Meeting.
  The FMSF vs. the ISS: http://www.visitations.com/mindnet/MN114.HTM
# Victims, Survivors & Anyone Else Who Cares - Victims testimony on CIA
  experiments on children: http://www.visitations.com/mindnet/MN115.HTM

@ Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. The False Memory Hoax: CIA Connections
  to Mind-Control Cults. Martin Orne & the CIA's use of cults & children:

: Does your govt agency exploit cults? Does your cult exploit govt agencies?
Do you experiment on children? Do children experiment on you? D'ya remember?
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@ The Bible Believers Diet Plan: Obey it or suffer. Your body is NOT yours
  to turn into a barrel of fat. The Lord Jehovah will render your lard-ass
  in Hell, eh? http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/theworld/uncle.htm

: Do you defile the sacred temple of your body with abominations? Are they
tasty? Will you suffer eternal torment for your transgressions? D'ya suffer
already? Are the abominations worth the suffering? Are you masochistic? Eh?

# Women's freedom was set back by the advent of domestic appliances in the
  1950s: no more servants to do the chores, no more personal domination:
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# Coming a cropper. BRITAIN'S MAMMOTH EXPERIMENT to test whether genetically
  modified crops pose a greater hazard to wildlife than conventional vari-
  eties has been thrown into disarray. In an embarrassing climbdown, the UK
  govt has admitted that the latest crops to be sown were planted illegally.
  If judges now order the crops to be ploughed up, the disruption could ser-
  iously delay the four-year, £3.3 million trial. But there's plenty more
  tax money available: http://newscientist.com/ns/19990925/newsstory2.html

: Have you conducted any illegal experiments lately? Do'ya prefer to perform
experiments on plants, animals, people, aliens, politicians? What survives?

# Why do some fall to heart disease and others remain healthy? Fat,
  smoking, high blood pressure? Look at the pecking order at your
  workplace: http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19990925/missionary.html
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@ God is the provider of all good things to His followers: salvation for the
  lost, comfort for the sorrowful, healing for the wounded... and gold tooth
  fillings <http://newsong.simplenet.com/news1.html> for Christians with bad
  oral hygiene. http://tacf.org/confs/archives/intercession99/photos2.html

: Do your deities provide for your physical/financial/medical needs, or do
they pretty much stick to the psychological/spiritual/sociological realm?
Are you amply rewarded for your beliefs? Do you neglect you oral hygiene?

# Were Indians ecologists, well before the white man, hunting and fishing in
  balance with nature? Hah. http://chronicle.com/free/v46/i03/03a01901.htm
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# Cloning to produce human organs, tissue. TORONTO (UPI) The same cloning
  technique used to create Dolly the sheep will produce human organs and
  tissues, perhaps within a decade. The nuclear transfer technology will
  allow researchers to create human organs & tissues with the patient's own
  DNA to avoid rejection reactions that occur when body parts are transplan-
  ted from donors. http://news.excite.com/news/u/990927/16/health-cloning

: What body parts would you like cloned, replaced, enhanced, re-engineered?
Did your deities stumble in designing/building/maintaining you? Whose fault?

@ Heat is the source of light, and conflict the source of progress. We
  lose this in soggy notions of "moderation. Nothing is ever accomplished
  by a reasonable person: http://www.civmag.com/articles/C9909E05.html
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  "Our Doubles, our competitors, our survivors, our antitypes, insects
   were formally prosecuted for Pestilence in ecclesiastical courts
   from the late 15th century until 1733." --Hillel Schwartz

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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