-Caveat Lector-

On 11 Nov 99, at 6:50, Das GOAT wrote:

> .. The Clinton administration's use of such drastic means
> >for a so-called "economic" conference has raised questions about
> >state-sponsored commercial espionage.  Is export money enough
> >justification to use children as sex-slaves and spies?
> How naive can we be?  In the underworld economy of espionage and organized
> crime, which are almost indistinguishable, the primary currencies used are
> not ONLY "illegal drugs" and "black-market weapons."  Just as valuable as
> either is SEX -- but, especially when sex is routine and cheap, for "sex"
> to have ANY value as a currency, it MUST be "taboo" sex, forbidden by law
> or just by normal (public) moral standards -- a kind of rare "delicacy,"
> obtainable only by the the ultra-rich or the ultra-privileged, for whom
> being able to push the envelope of the "permissible" to the EXTREME is an
> essential definer of "elite" status. (Power isn't really "power" unless
> one is free --FREE-- to ABUSE it.) In more Victorian times, the "buzz"
> used to be homosexuality.  Today it's pedophilia. OF COURSE it's not only
> immoral but ILLEGAL  The flip side of POWER is its RISK -- so one is never
> welcomed into the circle of the powerful except by double-edged gifts
> which can, if PUBLICLY revealed, DESTROY one.  "Secret societies" are
> "secret" for a good practical reason.  Shared GUILT is a strong BOND and
> GUARANTEES silence.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Clinton got to take the fall for
this....which has been going on for decades, certainly through the
two  previous Republican administrations --if not forever.

I have always thought that, in the larger picture, Clinton was a
patsy--like Oswald--intended to take the blame for all the illegalities
and pecadillos of Bush et al., allowing them to come back into the
arena later looking clean.

And, if this is true, you have to give him some credit for his ability
to duck and cover. When he came into office, Clinton looked like a
healthy young man. The pictures I see of him lately, he looks
positively ashen and almost aged. In only a decade?

Mind you, I'm not condoning these activities (which are
horrendous), but Clinton certainly didn't invent them. Hoover might
have gotten them from Caesar, Nero, or Calligula. And Bush
certainly used them during the Regan era.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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