-Caveat Lector-


Why thank you June! Less the redundant lecture on how banks operate (which
actually may be beneficial for those readers not familiar with the system),
you have managed to answer the majority of my questions in a coherent
manner--with few arbitrary assignments of character labels in the process I
might add. This was precisely what I was hoping for.

Even though I still disagree with you in regard to your confidence in the
level of compliance industry wide, yours is perhaps the first rational
response to the many questions people have had on this issue. If all
relevant authorities had been this clear in their explanation of their
particular of areas of expertise as you have been in this post, then
perhaps many of the fears associated with Y2K could have been forestalled.

Like you, and as I have told you previously in response to another posting,
my primary concern over Y2K has little if anything to do with computers.
Like you, my primary concern is over those nut-cases (especially including
those in government) who will stretch events beyond all rational limits at
the end of the year. My original suggestions for preparation were just as
much in anticipation of the actions of these nut cases as they were for any
so-called computer glitch. Again, the suggestions themselves were not
irrational (one of your original claims) unless one consideres acting in
one's best interest an irrational act.

And now, only one remaining point of contention:

>>WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
>This is NOT a prediction?  ;-)

No, it is not. It is a suggestion in the form of a waring and is based
solely on the potential for terrorist and resulting police activities in
major metropolitan areas at the end of the year. It has nothing to do with

I have ZERO clue what will or might happen come 1-1-2,000 (;-) so I would
be very hard pressed to render any type of prediction one way or the other.
A prediction, after all, involves rendering an estimation or foretelling of
future events.

Edward   ><+>
WARNING!  Stay OUT of America's cities on 1/1/2,000!!
Edward   Britton   ><+>
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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