-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

I was pointing out as a microcosm of the macrocosm that evil can be
created and magnified by outside intervention. You know innocent kids
ingesting poisons and becoming violent. An easy thing to do to an
innocent human race. It was a funny but applicable way of putting it -
Oh never mind.
Why not contribute some useful info yourself rather than nitpicking.

And not every religion comes from Sumer - that is only your physical
reality trying to understand something which can't be seen, only
experienced firsthand in the depths of someone's soul. An attempt to
understand the unknown innerlife of the ancients in Sumer, by reading
books and reading records thousands of years and miles away later,
dosen't make you an authority on all religions. The Naked Truth video is
just an attempt to make order out of chaos.


[to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Evil predates Coca Cola Nicky.
> And if you don't believe that humans are incapable of being evil without some
> dastardly external non-human intervention then you must live a very sheltered
> life. Perhaps you should read some history books to learn about the habits of
> our ancestors, well before the days of Coke and KFC...

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