-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Well Andy,

The drawback of the psychedelic 'we are one/divine/there is no
separation' experience is it only lasts for the duration of the high.
You have only opened one of the top chakras artificially, by the drug
burning holes in the barrier which separates this reality from a
higher.You are only getting a glimpse into the unknown territory, which
entry is earned by those who follow the rules as laid out in the
Bible.eg save your kundalini. Take too many drugs and you won't be able
to tell the difference between the multiple realities existing in the

I think the Bible is interpreted with different states of consciousness
according to how much a person can digest of deeper experiences
according to need. Others see ETs everywhere. Some interpret it
symbolically because they can't yet grasp it inspirationally. Focusing
on the hell part is an inability to see the reason why God would want to
create 12 races to develop differing paths of mankind to evolve. If you
read Josephus [approx 70AD] he said each of the 12 tribes represented
one sign of the Zodiac.

At the end of the Bible in Revelation Ch 7:3 it says 12,000 of each
tribe will have the seal of God on their forheads. Obviously God has a
plan to ensure survival of the human body of those who have the right
DNA to start again in the next dimension. The light in the forehead
would be indicative of the presence of the higher ethers necessary to
change dimension. At present the so called 6th Aryan race would like to
accomplish this feat technologically,{see the post of 2 days ago [US
Military fake rapture and genocide -Important, sent 4th March]  but
those descendants of the Nordic Pleiadians dip out here, unless they
have interbred with the tribe of Benjamin who migrated to Scandanavia.

Why worry about hell after death, it's hell during life you need to
avoid, when the hoards of hell in their underground bases in US will be
emerging in unison with the UN foreign troops to round up the
population. It's pretty obvious that all of are being categorised by the
Ets, for evacuation purposes. I believe millions will be transported off
the planet to be put back later to return to an earth that has changed
position in space.

 The Ets know this from their time machines and can take who they want
if they are not claimed by Jesus' army. Will one come back or not this
is the real worry?  Have you not heard of the fluoresent marks people
have returned with after ET abduction. Psychedelic revelations won't
save you, I think it is a matter of fitting into the right category by
unseen hands. We decide nothing! We are not 'all one' we are DNA
categorised by those who run the solar system, and decide who gets born
in what family.


blue honey wrote:
> Dogma and creeds are not my cup of tea. I have no
> need for faith, it is the psychedelic experience itself that takes one past
> faith to the natural unity and integrity of the universe, showing us our
> Selves as integral parts of the whole; that reveals to us the infinite
> splendor of our universe, and the overlooked miracle that is common
> consciousness. Any religion that requires faith and gives none, that defends
> against religious experiences, that gives credence to some bizarre
> superstition that humankind is in some way separate, divorced from the rest
> of creation, one that does not bridge the gap between the Mind, Body and
> Soul, is no religion at all!

> andy
> www.bluehoney.org

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