Oh my, is this fun or what?

uaicvtmb wrote:
> TO: Josh2
> Dear Sir:
> And I put that Lightly.

You needn't call me sir. I never made officer.

> You of all People Need Not Give me a 49 yr. old man
> who
> has delivered babies, in an ambulance and in the back of my patrol car a
> lession
> in biology. Your Answers based on your Secular Huminism,

Not that you'd know the difference, but I am just a humble atheist, not a
secular humanist

> Pop Psychology and
> Intellectual Pontification with your Brain Flatulence doesn't and Never will
> Impress
> me or the rest of the decent human beings who will never accecpt the murder
> of
> the Innocients.

It was not intended for you. It was intended for people whose brains were
still functional.

> I choose Not to Judge you, for you Psuedo Intellectual
> Kafars

That's Khazars ( I think ). I am not a Khazar. I am an Israelite. Khazars are a
Turkik ethnic group. My ethnic group is the same one as Jesus'. In fact,
he may be a distant cousin.

> have
> already been damned with Eternal Judgement when you meet your end.

I doubt it. Only Christians are damned by eternal judgment because their
parents had the audacity to have sex and procreate. Except in your case.
I'm not sure how you were produced.

> For you
> have rejected the God of your Fathers. That Friend is the Unforgiveable Sin
> Against
> God and the Holy Spirit.

Ooooh scary!

> May the God of Abraham and Issiac Have Mercey on
> Your
> Soul.

There is no such thing as a soul. But I'm willing to change my mind if you can
show me one.

> I Shall Not Respond to You Again on this Matter. You Shall Never
> Change my
> Opinion Although I swore an Oath to Protect and Defend your FIrst Amendment
> Rights, with the Second. Your Intollerance towards me and others on this
> list will
> breed Intollerance Towards You and Others Like You. Your Have No Excuse and
> Have Been Forwarned.

Are you threatening me asshole?

> And In closing, There is the Seperation of Church and State. NOT in the
> Constitution
> of the United States. But It is found in the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.

I wouldn't know. I never read the Communist Manifesto.

> Without Prejudice RSA382-A:1-207 RSA382-A:1-103, UCC 1-103 & 10207
>            ~ Mike ~
>           U.A.I.C.-VT.
>  * De Oppresso Liber  *
> ***************************

If you want to threaten me, why don't you take it off list and I'll deal
with you there tough guy.


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