In a message dated 00-07-19 18:50:51 EDT, Joshua2 writes:

<< Typical Libertarian poopy doopy.
 As if parents have the time , ability, or desire to teach their children
 a school type curriculum.>>

More parents might have the time if both of them didn't have to work to make
ends meet.  Thanks to exorbitant taxes and low pay from most corporations.

<< Better yet, WE should decide ALL aspects of government spending. ALL.
 Politicians can plan and make proposals, but not one cent gets allocated for
 ANYTHING without public approval. This is not at all hard to do. >>

Now you're talking.  It seems our Republican form of government isn't working
the way it was designed because of all the legalized bribery that goes on.
It might work if bribes were made illegal and those taking bribes were
prosecuted.  I like the idea of the public approving expenditures, that way
politicians couldn't pay for their bribes doing favors for those who paid
them and the bribes would soon stop.

Bob Stokes

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