In a message dated 00-07-19 22:24:10 EDT, nessie writes:

 if bribes were made illegal
  . . .
  the bribes would soon stop.

<< Sure. Just like drugs did when they were made illegal. >>

You seem to have missed a few words.

"It might work if bribes were made illegal and those taking bribes were
prosecuted.  I like the idea of the public approving expenditures, that way
politicians couldn't pay for their bribes doing favors for those who paid
them and the bribes would soon stop."

My point is that if the money-making profit motive was removed, then bribes
would be ineffective. The corporations aren't going to give money to someone
without a good chance of increasing profits.

Drugs were made illegal so the government could sell them at a great profit.
It also provides a convenient excuse to jail people who aren't hurting anyone
except "maybe" themselves.  Nicotine is extremely harmful and addictive, I
know I couldn't stop smoking when the reward was great.  Only the "little
people" can get busted for drugs.

I personally think the only way to control this "out of control" crooked
government is by radical means.  Voting is a joke.

Bob Stokes

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