I discovered I can open html files.  For example, I create a file
foo.html containing this:

<html> <body> hello world </body> </html>

and that displayed.  If I modify that html to this:

hello world
<a href="http://google.com";>google</a>

Firefox displays the page and even shows the hyperlink, but Firefox
does not follow the link to Google.


- Robert

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Robert Citek <robert.ci...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How can I figure out why won't Firefox display any pages?
> I'm running Firefox 3.0.14 in Ubuntu 8.10.  When I type in
> http://google.com in the address field nothing appears.  In fact, even
> if I type javascript, it doesn't display.  For example, this should
> pop up an alert with "hello world":
> javascript:alert("hello world");
> How can I go about figuring out what's wrong?
> Regards,
> - Robert

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