On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, Harold Hunt wrote:

> Alexander,
> Because the following article:
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wcegmm/htm/
> ddover_51.asp
> states that:
> "BltFast cannot be used on surfaces that have an attached clipper."

> We use a clipper to account for any other Windows window overlaying our
> window, which would cause a portion of our blit destiation to be
> undrawable... which would mean that we wouldn't be allowed to use BltFast.
> Now... could we use BltFast in DirectDraw fullscreen modes?  

Not needed. The blitting does not slow down the server significantly. I
think the cygwin socket layer slow much more. 

> But, you are welcome to try it...

Hell no ;) It was just a thought. 

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