"Steve" wrote...

I would imagine so since ironically the Aryans came from what is now Northern India
and Iran up to about 1000BC.

The word is even derived from Sanskrit.

Read the Rig Veda and break out the soma (if you know what it was).
"Soma"? Despite the fact that I've read large chunks of the Rig Vedas, I don't remember anything called "Soma" (unless this is a Brave New World Reference). Of course, the Bhagavad Gita is a subsection of the Mahabarata....but I don't imagine this is what you are referring to...

As for the ultimate origin of the "Aryans", it is far older than 1,000BC. As far as I understand it, the Aryans emanated from the lower reaches of the Caucus Mountains, and moved into Greece, Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia, and the Northern Part of the Indian subcontinent. (I've read wildly conflicting reports as to when, but I remember ending up believing it happened around 13,000BC.) Early theories were that the Aryans had learned horseback-based military tactics before the indigenous peoples, but emerging theories have them slowly growing out of Asia minor via agricultural advances.

Most of the people from the British Isles over to Northern India speak a variant of the original Indo-European language, with Sanskrit and Lithuanian likely being the closest languages surviving. Some interesting exceptions (I believe) are the Basque in Spain, Hungarians, The (Italian) Etruscans, and (as far as I remember) the Flemish. As I remember too, the Greek 'Linear A' script seems to be a pre-Indo-European leftover, and 'Linear B' shows the clear input of I-Es.

(That the Basque and other groups claiming to be 'unique' has apparently been confirmed via the use of mitochondrial DNA techniques, which can determine when various human sub-populations diverged. this apparently mirrors the linguisitic evidence quite precisely.)

So what current users of the term "Aryan" seem to be unaware of is that Iranians, Afghans, and tons of others are actually Indo European and hence "Aryans". (Meanwhile, Iraqis, Saudis and all other Arabs along with Jews are Semites and not IndoEurpoean at all.) Of course, they DO tend to have somewhat lighter skin than many of the 'locals' (in fact, the Indian caste system seems to have codified this fact). But those who use the term "Aryan" these days seem to have inherited all of the Nazi bullshit mythological baggage. Now there may be exceptions, so that's why I asked.

Of course Hitler and the gang appropriated this term and pumped it with some very different meanings, including notions of "racial purity". I was curious as to whether Tim May meant this version of the term or what (and all that is concomittant, including hoped-for genocides), in which case bludgeoning him with a heavy, blunt object in the base of the skull would be a break for all humanity.


From: Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tyler Durden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Security cameras are getting smart -- and scary
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 19:41:42 +0000

On Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003, at 22:10 Europe/London, Tyler Durden wrote:

Tim May wrote...

"Cowboy hats are much more common in Cypherpunks Bay Aryan meetings"

Uh...do you actually hold "Aryan" meetings? Is this a "white" "supremist" thing, or will the following be welcome:

Most people hailing from Northern India

Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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