I don't think they will need to fight us, just impose sanctions by the UN, or
even just a world boycott of the US. That and a few suicide bombers in the US
now and again. How many suicide bombers in airports would it take to finish off
the US air industry? The rest of the world is perfectly capable of destroying
the US without any real military action. 

On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 06:10:02AM -0800, Mike Rosing wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> > So when the rest of the world retaliates with all their military power that
> > the US fails to appreciate, what strategic war plan does the  rest of the
> > world have for handling a couple thousand nukes?  Just trying to figure
> > their options?
> Russia, China and, France all have nukes and delivery capability.  If
> the US wants to retaliate with nukes, they'll get nuked in return.  MAD
> works.
> Patience, persistence, truth,
> Dr. mike

Harmon Seaver   

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