On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 11:06:07PM -0300, juan wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 12:25:14 +1100
> Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> > If you read
> > his speech, you will see that, at least at this early hour (his maiden
> > speech), he is not "a politician" 
>       I read enough to find out what he claims to believe about the
>       state and economic activities. He's the typical intervionist
>       saying that 'good' government is needed to 'regulate'
>       businesses. When in reality, of course, businesses and
>       government are sides of the same corrupt coin. 

Fair enough.

>       I'm not going to bother researching what the australian
>       government did to sheep farmers in the 80s. Part of what he
>       says may be true. And if it's true then that would be an even
>       bigger reason to get rid of government, not to allegedly try to
>       'reform' it. 


>       He is part of the problem, not the solution. Like any other
>       poliician he will serve himself and those who finance him.

There is no flow chart for such humans to refer to, describing rational
solutions to their real and historical problems. Like that "are we
having a rational conversation/ debate" flowchart.

How about reforming the "modern" "democratic" state with direct
democracy - Swiss style ?

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