On 11/11/2016 09:33 AM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:

> "Did a Torvalds"?  Are you now saying that Linus didn't contribute
> anything significant either?  Oh my.  You are so clueless.

I said or implied nothing of the sort. The implication is he took code
he owned and open-sourced it. I think that's pretty fucking obvious troll.


> VC never said he developed TCP/IP alone, which is why I said
> co-invented.  Of course there were previous tries at solving
> networking problems that were learned from, but they were flawed and
> we no longer use any of them.  Similarly, every patent depends on the
> existence of prior ideas, but is recognized as being a significant
> leap forward.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vint_Cerf
>> After receiving his doctorate, Cerf became an assistant professor
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor#Assistant_professor> at
>> Stanford University from 1972–1976, where he conducted research on
>> packet network interconnection protocols and co-designed the DoD
>> TCP/IP protocol suite with Kahn.
> TCP/IP solved, to a large extent, every core network protocol problem
> that needed to be solved to build a working Internet.  It is amazing
> that very few changes were made since the first released version.  We
> all know what we mean by "Vint Cerf invented the Internet."  We know
> there was more to it, but what he did enabled everything else with an
> elegant solution.
> "Did a Torvalds"?  Are you now saying that Linus didn't contribute
> anything significant either?  Oh my.  You are so clueless.
> You're ideology is strange and not very useful.
> We all wish we could have contributed as centrally to the Internet and
> related advances.  But that doesn't mean we don't value and appreciate
> those who did.  It could have been much worse in many ways.  We could
> be paying packet charges to national telecoms with only centralized
> "security", for instance.  We are very very lucky, and not in an
> anthropic principle way.
> sdw
> On 11/11/16 9:00 AM, Razer wrote:
>> This is exactly what I mean... CERF DID NOT DEVELOP TCPIP ALONE,
>> hence all sorts of offshoots like TP-K inos, jnos etc b/c a ham radio
>> operator who was on the tcipip dev team 'did a Torvalds'.
>> It's like saying Wozniak and Gates developed personal computers. It's
>> literally idiotic and historically vacant. A stupid-ing down of the
>> history of the internet.
>> On 11/10/2016 09:03 PM, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
>>> On 11/10/16 7:39 PM, Razer wrote:
>>>> On 11/10/2016 03:14 PM, Mr Harkness quoted some schmuck:
>>>>> Twenty-five years ago, Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
>>>> I've seen this claim about a number of different people and you
>>>> know? It's about as ignorant a thing to say as I can imagine. One
>>>> person inventing the WWW... ROTF!
>>>> MAYBE the TERM "WWW".
>>>> Rr
>>> There are a number of well-known cases of specific individuals
>>> inventing or co-inventing specific components of the Internet and
>>> protocols on it.  TBL invented the World Wide Web in a core and
>>> well-known specific sense.  Most of us have read all about it and a
>>> few of us were experiencing it real-time, switching from FTP,
>>> telnet, and Archie to Mosaic w/ web pages.  Vint Cerf co-invented
>>> TCP/IP, commonly summarized as "invented the Internet".  I don't
>>> know of anyone else who is said to have "invented the World Wide
>>> Web".  There were people who earlier suggested some kind of linked
>>> shared information, like Ted Nelson.
>>> http://webfoundation.org/about/vision/history-of-the-web/
>>> sdw

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