On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 07:23:19PM -0300, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > me:
> > >>>     I'll be waiting for any actual 'cypherpunk' or libertarian to shred 
> > >>> donalds 'philosophy' to pieces. I think I'm going to wait a looong 
> > >>> time. 
> > 
> > donald:
> > >> We do not in fact have equality before the law, because actual equality
> > >> before the law leads to intolerable consequences, because individuals,
> > >> groups, and communities are not in fact equal, and require different laws
> > 
> > 
> > jim bell: 
> > >>  The news item from that time said that Bloomberg had proposed that 
> > >> young racial minorities shouldn't be allowed to own guns
> > 
> > >    So you're saying that james donald is as 'libertarian' as 
> > >bloomberg?(meaning of course he's not libertarian at all), both going 
> > >against the fundamental principle of equality before the law? 
> > 
> > No, I'm not. 
>       Ok. So, as expected (by me), you are not providing any libertarian 
> criticism to the garbage donald spouts. 
> > I was simply pointing out how some people resist the idea of having 
> > different laws for different people, 
>       yes, the people who 'resist' that idea are the libertarians. So what 
> point are you trying to make, exactly? 

There is an idea here, that say Black cities like Chicongo might find it in 
their interests to have different laws.

If you manage to get ahold of say 1000 acres, "the laws" you choose to 
institute as Mayorof Juanville, may result in great economic success, but might 
result in Chicogoans collapsing horribly.

> >  >   By the way, the correct understanding of "equality before the law" is 
> > that no person has authority over any other person. 
> > I DON'T think that's the same thing.  
>       yeah, so what. 

One can imagine Chicago gun shops agreeing to not sell guns to blacks younger 
than say 30 years old, or until they've got a Letter of Sanity from a community 

It may be that young Blacks in this hypothetical Chicongo would find this 
"patriarchal fascism" utterly intolerable and collectively pack up their gear 
and all move to Juanville... for their freedom to buy guns.

> > >And the very existence of any kind of state violates the principle of 
> > >equality before the law.
> > Well, I generally agree 'states' should not exist, but without 'states' 
> > that greatly changes the concept of 'laws', and 'equality'.
>       no it doesn't, at all. The libertarian concepts of law and equality are 
> completely independent of 'states', which are just criminal gangs. This is 
> the ABC of libertarian philosophy, by-the-way.
>       So, again, 
>       "I'll be waiting for any actual 'cypherpunk' or libertarian to shred 
> donalds 'philosophy' to pieces. I think I'm going to wait a looong time." 

I'm looking forward to seeing Juanville in real life :)

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