
If I ask DT to import recursively eg 2013 it will load the images from all
sub-folders.  If I then ask DT to copy or move them to a new 2013
destination it will do so but the folder structure below the original 2013
is not recreated in the new target folder and all images end up getting
placed in the new 2013 folder root.

With images going back to 2003, generally 12 sub-folders per year and then
sub-sub folders below that doing the whole thing one folder at a time would
be a real PITA.

Googling the issue resulted in a post from 2014 that suggested manually
editing the DB to change image paths - again, not only does this sound risky
but would need to be done for every folder thus not much to gain over using
the GUI.  What I was looking for was a way to eg select 2013/* and move it
en bloc whilst preserving the existing directory structure below 2013.

Francesco, did you try creating the file system first?  Then try moving

I'll give it a go but that would still mean manually creating aprox 300 folders ( I have no scripting ability and it is far too many years since I last wrote any perl to remeber how to do it )


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