On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote:

> darktable does not do the printing or manipulate the printer.  it just
> sends the job to the printer queue, cups.  *you* tell the printer how to
> handle the print job using whatever you have to control your printer.
> darktable *will* *not* deny you the use of any printer, that is determined
> by your operating system and the software you have installed to
> control/access your printer.

But wouldn't print modules of SW probe printer settings through -- correct
me if I'm wrong -- PPD files and hence offer printer-specific settings?
Such as dpi, ink control, black.white, etc?

I never printed with darktable but I do know that Gimp does offer me
printer-specific options for my cups-driven printer...

using/controlling "Epson ABW" is *your* job.

By setting print-defaults in cups? Cumbersome, IMHO.

I'd probably rather export as TIFF from darktable and print with e.g. GIMP.
That's what I do anyhow, albeit not to an EPSON printer.

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