Hi Dave, and thanks for your elaborate reply on this. This is exactly what I mean. It shortens the workflow tremendously. I sometimes do sport events or events for a university. I could copy paste the base settings of one image to all others, then quickly run through the rest to make slight adjustments where needed, export and away they are to whoever needs them :).

By the way, the 'Detail' slider is from the Local Contrast module.


Op 10-07-18 om 23:50 schreef Coding Dave:

I strongly support kneops with his Idea - its similar to an Idea I had in mind for a longer time:

In reality the options darktable offers make it a nice tool for experts and a horrible tool for beginners. For people that did not start with an easy to use program like LR it is even harder because the learning curve is so high.

A power user would probably need all the options of each darktable module whereas an beginner needs only the most fundamental stuff. I see a continuum here with the expert on one side and the beginner on the other. However, darktable has so many modules, options, effects, workflows, and a variety of combinations that the learning curve is quite hard for beginners. And remember the pareto principle. You could say that with 20% of darktable you can already get 80% of the results and for the last 20% you would require to use 80% more - you know what I'm getting at.

Lets be honest, neither you always need all the sliders nor is the useability from darktable extraordinary well: Sometimes it would be better if you only have the minimum necessary. It would be nice to collect these and place them all in one common place. Im not talking about reducing darktable and removing possibilities. No way - darktable lives from its feature rich implementation although feature-rich is like contradictionary to ease-of-use and useability. The only thing I suggest is to extract (link, not copy) the most important sliders from other modules into one meta module that lists them. This meta module would be a feature wise abstraction by only offering the most important feature of a module. This would be very very helpful for beginners and quick edits. Of course some poweruser would be required to suggest the list of sliders that is to be shown there by default. In a second step adding/removing sliders in the meta-module similar to the favourite menu would make the program even more flexible and user-friendly.

When we look at the modules kneops has extracted his favorite meta-module we can see that many options are like the critical features, some are compensation/adjustment values, and some are expert settings anyhow (like the blending - how often do you deal with that? If you work with 40 modules I bet you are not using 40 blend options as well):
= levels
- mode
- *UI diagram*
- auto, pick black, pick medium gray, pick white
- blend
= exposure
- mode
- black
- *exposure*
- clipping threshold
- blend
= white balance
- *tint*
- *temperature*
- red
- green
- blue
- preset
- finetune
= contrast brightness saturation
- *contrast*
- *brightness*
- *saturation*
- blend
= shadows and highlights
- *shadows*
- *highlights*
- white point adjustment
- soften with
- radius
- compress
- shadows color adjustment
- highlights color adjustment
- blend
= crop and rotate
- flip
- *angle* (rotate)
- keystone
- automatic cropping
- aspects
- guides
= sharpen
- radius
- *amount* (sharpen)
- threshold
- blend
= no idea where "detail" comes from

Here we have ~40 lines of options/sliders, only 11 I would rate are the core features, we have a selection in one module that comes from 8 different modules from different module columns, and 5 options are "blend" (how often do you need that? I love that but honestly I use the modules mostly without blend).

Usually these feature listed above are spread over several modules and you have to search for them before you find them. The search alone across several module columns is time intensive. Having the modules expanded is wasting space, opening and closing them manually is time consuming again.

Imagine your editing procedure to start with the quick-adjustments on the meta-menu. Imagine you have many of your most important features available (linked) there and are quickly done with a rough edit. Imagine you realize you need more options like for example the compress slider of the shadows and highlights. Imagine you are opening the module and you see the sliders therein have the same values as they are on the meta module. Wouldn't that simplify your workflow and speeding you up without stopping you at any point?

For sure I am missing many very important features you are using regularly. I just try to share my vision. Imagine you can add your features easily and are able to customize your own copy of darktable to your linkings.

Kind regards

Am Di., 10. Juli 2018 um 13:01 Uhr schrieb kneops <kne...@gmail.com <mailto:kne...@gmail.com>>:

    I already did :) You've seen the screenshot I put in my first mail?

    Op 10-07-18 om 12:45 schreef Anders Lund:
    > Hi,
    > You could use the favourite modules feature to collect the basics :)
    > Kindly,
    > Anders
    > tirsdag den 10. juli 2018 10.51.57 CEST skrev kneops:
    >> After Bruce let us know he is doing some tutorials on DT 🙂and
    I replied
    >> that the UI is sometimes so complex that tutorials are really
    >> this is a way I think DT could be made simpler for novice users
    and for
    >> quick edits, especially handy for photographers who shoot press
    >> and have to deliver quick (like I have to do sometimes).
    >> At this moment these are among my favorite tools:
    >> But now I have to open sharpness to sharpen, then open contrast
    to add
    >> contrast, then open white balace for temperature, than back to
    >> to add saturation etc.
    >> Why not add a Quick Tab with only sliders like this.
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