Hello Ross,


On Windows I will allways uninstall software using an ‘uninstaller’ line ‘any uninstaller’.  I had to do this to get 3.2.1 working properly for the ‘preferences’ to not use base curve.


One remark though: take note of how your preferences, shortcuts, presets and styles are set. Also backup your lighttable database.


(Perhaps there is a way to backup preferences, shortcuts, presets and styles.  Somebody else may have a tip for that. I don’t have the issues since as a newbie I rigorously note down all such settings.)


Hope this helps ?


Marc Cabuy



Van: Ross Tucker
Verzonden: zondag 16 augustus 2020 11:47
Aan: Harald
CC: Darktable Users List
Onderwerp: Re: [darktable-user] Windows darktable V 3.2.1 - does not load/import lightable files or folder


Hi Haribo:

Tried your suggestion, but still no-go.

I've been shooting and editing recently, the painstaking way (using Windows File Explorer).

Installed the git version of bash and started darktable expecting to see some error messages in git-bash but there was nothing reported.

Aside from lightable not working at all, the rest of  dt  seems to be working properly.  Of course I haven't tried every module, but the ones I often use are working well.


The only usage issue (outside of  lighttable) is that I haven't been able to find the mask properties that enable inclusion, exclusion, AND, etc., for two or masks used at the same time.


Thanks again for your suggestions though.




Ross Tucker


On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 at 20:03, Harald <mj...@email.de> wrote:


do you see a Terminal window with debugging information in parallel to the darktable window? If this is not true, run darktable from within a git bash window to be able to collect all messages.

Download and install git for windows first (https://gitforwindows.org/).

"-d" is the option to show the messages for each subsystem, "-d all" for everything (supported). -d is never part of a path name.

Take care about "/" or "\" in your path as well. Within git bash terminal window it is "/" and NOT "\".


Am 12.08.2020 um 04:28 schrieb Ross Tucker:

Hi Harald:


Thanks for the tip! 


I tried to use it but it still didn't work - still no lighttable import.

When I click on any of the left side window panes:

- import

- collect images

- recently used collections

and try to select something, nothing happens.

When I try to import a directory which has a lot of photo's in it, the Windows darktable icon on the bottom of the monitor shows a progress bar as part of the icon.  Something is definitely happening in the background, but nothing ever shows up in the lighttable image collection area.


Thanks for pointing me to darktable command line parameters.  Tried the one you suggested, with no apparent luck.  Not sure where my cache folder is supposed to reside (yet).

Ran the cache generating command line feature and it ran for quite a while (1.1.3. darktable-generate-cache binary) but still nothing shows up in the  lighttable  area.

I did find a cache related directory at:

    C:\Program Files\darktable\bin\-d\cached_kernels_for_GeForceGTX970_44187

which has 31 files in it ranging from a low of 6 kB to a high of  439 kB.

I then ran a variant of your suggestion:
    darktable --cachedir C:\Program Files\darktable\bin\-d\cached_kernels_for_GeForceGTX970_44187  -d lua -d opencl -d perf -d sql

which then gives me the error message of:


changed the command line to:

    C:\Program Files\darktable\bin>darktable  --cachedir .\-d\cached_kernels_for_GeForceGTX970_44187   -d lua   -d opencl   -d perf   -d sql

and it ran without an error message but without any different results.  It generated a subfolder in the cache folder "-d" and basically repeated all the same files in it.


As I mentioned earlier, I can RMB on a file using Windows Explorer and choose to open with darktable, but none of the files ever show up in the lighttable view.


Not sure what next to try.


Thanks again for your suggestions.




Ross Tucker



On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 20:56, Harald <mj...@email.de> wrote:

Hi Ross,

I recommend using a start option to enable debugging mode to help better understand what is really going on here...

For example I start darktable like this :

c:/tools/.../darktable/bin/darktable --cachedir c:/... -d lua -d opencl -d perf

Related help can be retrieved here:




Am 11.08.2020 um 08:05 schrieb Ross Tucker:

Hi Terry:


I uninstalled  darktable  with their uninstaller.

downloaded the 64 bit pgm file again.

reinstalled again.

tried again.

still NG.

Something is stubbornly refusing to let  darktable  import folders.

I have let it import jpgs (I have RAW & JPG) plus I let it recurse directories, but still NG.


Tried editing a bit and that seems to work as before, but lighttable is still a no-go for me at the moment.

I can still access files by opening them from windows explorer, but of course I lose all the features (tagging, stars, colour tags, etc.) from lighttable.


Glad it's working for you though.




On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 11:13, Terry Pinfold <tpinf...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Ross,

     I just installed it on my windows computer. Followed the instruction to let DT upgrade the database. Then imported a new folder and it was fine. I look forward to exploring the improved features and options. No problems yet. 


On Tue, 11 Aug 2020 at 09:05, Ross Tucker <ross.tuc...@gmail.com> wrote:



With much excitement I installed  darktable  V 3.2.1 after running V 3.0.2 since it's release about 8 months ago.  3.0.2 had problems and limited some of the edits I could do but I still could use it.  3.2.1 has edited one file so far so that was nice.  I went to import a folder full of my latest  NEF images but nothing loaded.  I tried importing a single file into lightable and that too would not work.  Note that I can still go to  windows-10  and RMB on a file and choose Open with -- darktable and the image will open in  3.2.1.  I doubt that I'm doing anything wrong but . . .


Thanks again for a wonderful FOSS photo product - it is an excellent editor and I've enjoyed my beginning steps with learning the edit functions and features, tips and tricks.




Ross Tucker

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Dr Terry Pinfold
Cytometry & Histology Lab Manager

Lecturer in Flow Cytometry

University of Tasmania 

17 Liverpool St, Hobart, 7000

Ph 6226 4846 or 0408 699053


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