It might help if you identify your O/S and other characteristics.  I'm using 3.6 on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 and don't experience this issue.

Willy Williams


On 7/29/21 at 7:15 PM, I. Ivanov wrote:
Hi All,

Have you experienced cropping issues in DT 3.6.0?

What I am observing is - often I try to crop the image - I am in the correct setting, hover the mouse (and it changes the shape) so it is ready to crop but instead of shrinkng the image it moves the copy frame (or does nothing). I am struggling to identify if it is related to the k4 monitor I am using or something else. Usually to get out of the situation - I'd zoom out and it behaves better or I'd change the guides from perspective to rule of 3rd. The issue is not always visible. But a few times when I have to crop it is like a bit sticky.

Thank you,


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