On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:04:14AM -1000, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
> Looks good Ben.  The timezone stuff must have been fun. :)

Fun in which sense of the word :-)

> I ported a small piece of code (in production though) from Date::Manip to DT not 
> long ago.  I've been meaning to post the diffs and the benchmarks to the list.  I'll 
> do it as soon as I'm back on a fast connection.

> > Sometime I want to finish writing DateTime::Format::Complex that will
> > grok complex "English" (although I want it to be localizable) date
> > strings.  But that is still under consideration.
> Has DateTime::Format::ISO8601::(?:Complex) grown into this or is it a different 
> module?

No DT::F::ISO8601 (::?) is still a separate beast (which may get
called by DT::F::Complex).  ISO8601 parsing is pretty much done except
for recurrences...  I have some questions how to translate a
recurrence that has 5 instances 20 minutes apart but does not give a
start or end time.  I may just do as I do elsewhere and use an
optional user provided time (and fall back to now()).

We should get this name thing resolved so we can get both modules
committed and up on CPAN.  I don't care either way.


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