David Wheeler wrote:
My only objection to svn is that activitymail doesn't work with it. Perhaps someone could convince the maintainer of that program to find the tuits to port it, eh?

I haven't used activitymail, but from a quick reading of the POD, it seems like a waste to try and port it to Subversion. One of the problems with CVS is that there is no true multifile commit (i.e. each file is committed independently). This means that programs like activitymail must reassemble the set of files which constitute a single commit.

Subversion, on the other hand, does perform a multifile atomic commit, so it is much easier to have a post-commit hook reflect changes. There are at two post-commit e-mail scripts in the SVN distro, and I know that there are more floating out there on the list.

Rather than try and force activitymail to work with Subversion, it is probably more profitable to look at the existing scripts and improve them to correspond to what you expect the e-mail's to look like.


John Peacock
Director of Information Research and Technology
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
4501 Forbes Boulevard
Suite H
Lanham, MD  20706
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