Brian Niebuhr wrote:
Buildroot is good at building all together, but not good at cleaning.
Since your console is working and even init=/bin/sh is not working I
suspected EABI/OABI stuff. Moreover, I read some warnings some time ago
on the buildroot mailing list about this issue.

Caglar -
You were correct.  After getting a brand new copy of buildroot and
configuring it for OABI, /sbin/getty now runs.  Unfortunately it hasn't
gotten me much further because a shell still won't run.  Once I log in,
a shell never starts and getty just respawns.  Using init=/bin/sh or
init=/bin/ash just hangs like it did before with no output.  I compiled
a hello world program with the uclibc toolchain, and using that for init
works just fine.  So there's something about the busybox shell that
isn't working right.

One independent thing to try:

Check make menuconfig of your kernel if any floating point emulation is enabled:

Floating point emulation  ---> [*] NWFPE math emulation



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