Brian Niebuhr wrote:
One independent thing to try:

Check make menuconfig of your kernel if any floating point emulation is enabled:

Floating point emulation  ---> [*] NWFPE math emulation

Dirk -
Thanks for this suggestion - I would never have figured that one out.  I
had a different floating point emulation implementation selected, and
when I switched to NWFPE things started working.


Can I ask why you
suspected floating point emulation?

Had a similiar issue some weeks ago ;) The switch from kernel (no floating point at all) to user space (heavily using floating point, depending on toolchain & library) is always a tricky thing cause you get *no* debugging output. Things simply do not work :( I think to remember that default kernel config of git kernel has no floating point emulation enabled at all.

That an other FPE don't work is new to me, never tried others ;) Maybe you like to ask on arm-linux list regarding this. Would be an interesting question.



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