I do not understand what (and how) your proposal with =2 solve. Probably
nothing and people would again start after final release again

On Friday 10 November 2017 09:24:35 Night Light wrote:
> Forking would take away my concerns (thank you all for suggesting that) but
> one thing pops into my mind:
> A decision to fork a mature module is not a light decision and should only
> be considered as a last resort (when ran out of all options).
> So far it is all based on the opinion of only one developer who finds it
> hard or probably impossible to implement.
> Can before forking at least a second person with C knowledge open dbdimp.c
> and measure if it is indeed unfeasible to make the module backward
> compatible by adding an option as suggested?
> Michiel, do you know C? Can you do that 5-minute check?
> The breaking is due to the fact that the prepared SQL statement and the
> bound parameters will be apart from what is returned from MySQL is encoded
> as well.
> The mysql_enable_utf8/mysql_enable_utf8mb4 flags already arrange logic to
> set if utf8 encoding/decoding should be done or not.
> I'm not a C expert but this is what I find in dbdimp.c of 4.042 about it:
> dbd_st_prepare_sv function:
> bool enable_utf8 = (imp_dbh->enable_utf8 || imp_dbh->enable_utf8mb4);
> get_statement(aTHX_ statement_sv, enable_utf8, &statement, &statement_len);
> dbd_bind_ph function:
> bool enable_utf8 = (imp_dbh->enable_utf8 || imp_dbh->enable_utf8mb4);
> bind_param(&imp_sth->params[idx], value, sql_type, idx+1, enable_utf8);
> Would changing that into the following make the module backwards compatible?
> bool enable_utf8 = (imp_dbh->enable_utf8 == 2 || imp_dbh->enable_utf8mb4 ==
> 2);
> enable_utf8 0 = no encoding of input and only decoding of output
> enable_utf8 1 = decode only output (4.043 mode)
> enable_utf8 2 = encoded input and decode output (4.042 mode)
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net>
> wrote:
> > Michael, why can't you accept moving forward under a new module name?  Why
> > does it have to be under the old name?  When people purposefully want to
> > upgrade they purposefully choose the new module name in order to do so.
> > What is the actual problem in that? -- Darren Duncan
> >
> > On 2017-11-09 10:59 PM, Michiel Beijen wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I agree with everything Dan said here.  Its what I proposed, in fewer
> >>> words.
> >>> Do all new development under a new name, including all of Pali's work,
> >>> and
> >>> leave the current name for a product with no further effort applied to
> >>> develop it. -- Darren Duncan
> >>>
> >>
> >> This is NOT an option to me - it simply can't because the world moves
> >> forward and because of bitrot. The 'old' version - the version that
> >> works for most people, the current version of DBD::mysql, the one
> >> which would then receive no more maintenance as it is no longer
> >> compiles with the latest version of libmysqlclient and it does not
> >> compile with libmariadb. This will only get worse in the future.
> >>
> >> I'll stick with my earlier proposal - I'll propose to go back to the
> >> *current* latest DBD::mysql release which does not break backcompat
> >> for our users; add the patches that we discarded when we rolled back
> >> one by one, such as testing on many different lib/db options, memory
> >> leaks and so on, and make a new release so we can be on the move
> >> again.
> >>
> >> If possible I'd want to add back the *breaking* unicode changes that
> >> were introduced but they should be either in a separate namespace OR
> >> under a specific configuration option.
> >> Currently this whole thing has cost us loosing MONTHS of progress and
> >> then MONTHS of nothing and that is simply not good.
> >>
> >> Patrick: let me know if you're OK with this and then let's get start
> >> again!
> >>
> >

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