More info, this error does not occur with DBD::Oracle 1.76.

DBD::Oracle 1.80 => works with 18c client,  but fails with 19c.
DBD::Oracle 1.76 => works with all client versions.

On 6/19/20 5:48 PM, Scott wrote:
We have run into an issue when we upgraded to Oracle client 19c. Some of the users processes are segfaulting on exit.

#0  0x00007f82ee84ccc0 in pthread_mutex_lock () from /lib64/ #1  0x00007f82e6444f43 in kputxabt () from /u01/app/oracle/product/ #2  0x00007f82e926e6c3 in ora_db_rollback () from /usr/local/perl-5.22.0-thr/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/Oracle/ #3  0x00007f82e9266b11 in XS_DBD__Oracle__db_DESTROY () from /usr/local/perl-5.22.0-thr/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBD/Oracle/ #4  0x00007f82ed10291d in XS_DBI_dispatch () from /usr/local/perl-5.22.0-thr/lib/site_perl/5.22.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/DBI/

I tested the same process on a server still  using the 18c client and the core dump does not happen.  Our DBA is creating ticket with Oracle, but I wanted to see if anyone else has had the same issue.



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